
Dessert: Mackinaw Island Fudge Ice Cream
Subject: Digital Communication Systems
Season: Winter
Song: Slow Dancing In The Dark
Artist Van Gogh
Singer: Frank Sinatra
Hobby: Cello
Book: The Ever Afters
Movie: Spider man:Into The Verse
Game: Kirby-dreamworld
Place Paradise Point
Animal: White Bengal Tiger
Scent Wet Dog and Oranges
Fruit Cherry
Flower Lotus
Drink Chai Tea
Instrument Piano
Animator Hayao Miyazaki
Car Land Cruiser
Restaurant Mickey Lu's
Show Buzzfeed Unsolved
Podcast Crime Junkie
Colors Cool
Food Pad Thai
Sport Skiing/Ice Skating
Dislike Geese, Demons, Geese Demons
This is a Picture of Yellow Dog River Falls I got to hike this fall. It was a nice trip with the family. The drive was a beautiful sight as I drove down the dirt road. Afterward we ate at a tasty restaurant near Bay Cliff. I was a minute late for orchestra rehearsal but it was worth it.