Turkey T-shirt
Hue and Saturation
Compass Graphic

Turkey T-shirt


Hue Saturation

Compass Graphic

i used photoshop on this project. some of the tools i used where the crop, to get the focus of the foto to come out alittle more. then i used hue saturation to put the photo in a sigle color. one thing i would do change next time would to pick a photo thats not to busy
creating this peice was a little more challenging. first off the phot was alittle small to being with making it difficult to inlarge with out distort the photo. then i change the colors to a grayscale making it black and white. Then the difficult part was going in and coloring every part. the ball was the hardest, because the stripes in the grayscale blended in to the rest, making it hard to find a clear edge.
this project was the, by far the funnest one i completed. it was totally up to you on what the final piece was going to look like. i found the turky online and he looked real obnoxious so i had to pick him. then i had to change some of the colors on it so i didnt have over 4 colors, then i added the medel and the number on him.
this project was a fun on to do too. i used photoshop on this piece and the only original part on this photo was the house and the road. i found the grass and some of the background off a golf photo. what was challenging was the palm trees blending the new sky with the cloud and the old sky of the golf course. then the other hard part was putting in that plantet and againg blending in the new and old blues of the sky. what really improved the house, to me was it had some damages to the corners therefore the trees and the bush.

This was more of a humor piece, the objective was to find what girls just seem to stop what they are doing to sigh then say how cut the puppy is. But if you ever had a puppy you would know how hard it is to bring it anywhere with it not doing something not so cute. So half the reason why a guy would bring his or someone else’s puppy out is to get notice.