Hue and saturation Layers Masking
Pic clean up Scatterpaint Turkey Trot logo

Water color


pr1 This is my hue and saturations image. We learned here how to change the color and features of the image as a whole.
This is the layers project. I learned how to make a photo black and white then I zoomed in very close to make persice coloring that stood out over the others. pic2
pr3 This was the masking project. I learned that you can make the background of a color to be unique by inserting an image into the text background.
This was the clean up project. In it we used our knowledge of cutting out parts of one image and inserting them into another. pr4
pr5 This is our scatterpaint project. Here we were taught how to use the scatter brush to reveal parts of an image we erased to make a disappearing effect.
This is my turkey trot logo. It was the main project that was used in illustraitor where we learned many different drawing techniques and applied them into one image. pr6
pr7 This is my watercolor project. One of the last projects we did, I used watercolor images and applied them to an image to give it a watercolor look.