This is our hue and saturation project. We adjusted the hue and saturation and picked different colors to give it that fastinating look. |
For this layers projects, we made multiple layers to paint in certain objects. I really like this project because I like the way that certain fruits stand out among the rest. |
This is our masking project andf we learned how to place an image behind the text and mask them together |
This is our picture clean up project. We used the clone stamp tool and copying and pasting pictures and cleaning everything up to make it look realistic. |
This is my splatter effect project. As you can see, it didnt turn out very well because of the image I chose. We used paint brushes to give it the splatter effect |
This is my watercolor project. This is definitely one of my favorites because the old paper as the background gives it that artsy, vintage kind of look. I used the clone stamp to make the girl multi-colored. |