Clean up Watercolor
Hue-Sat Splater


project 1 This is the Pic clan up i made. this made mostly with the clone stamp and the laso tool. I took images from the internet and then proceded to cut them out and put them all in a shabby backyard to make it look nice.
project 2 These are 4 dogs that were once a normaly colerd dog that had 3 coppies made and all 4 of the images were made seprate colors
project 3 This is a project that I am proud of. This took the most amount of time and definatly the moast effort (Except for this website) This reqired use of almost every tool weve learned so far and then some weird stuff with layer masking.
project 4 This is the splatter project. This required 5 layers, furstration and even more layer masks. The brush i used was not the traditional splater brush, but rather it was a texture paint brush.