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Watercolor Text knockout Pop out Picture clean up
Hue and saturation Graverate logo Google logo  


watercolor This is my watercolor project. I used Charile Day from It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia because he's a great comedian. we learned how to use masking in photoshop.
knockout This was the text knockout project. It was one of the banners we created as a class using the text tool and adjusting the opacity of layers.
popout This is the pop out project; it's probably my second favorite project. We used the lasso tool to cut a piece of the image out and used the clone stamp to cover up empty areas. We then warped the background to create a pop-up effect.
pic-clean This was the picture clean up project that the class did to learn more about the cutting and cloning tools.
huensaturation Inspired by pop art, we made our own version by using hue and saturation in photoshop.
logo I'm very proud of this project because the class was asked to design a logo and banner for Graveraet. First, I drew a comet and had it scanned onto the computer. I then cleaned it up and used the gradient tool to give the banner a nice effect.
google This project was my favorite because we were given a google logo that we had to try to recreate. We were required to use natural brushes and the pen tool in photoshop.