
stars banner hue and saturation layers masking
turkey trot logo water color    


banner.stars This is the "STARS" project we did for Graveret elementary school. We took there slogan "STARS" and made it into a banner.
hue.and.saturation I took a picture of me and some of my friends and our first Marching Band football game and made 4 copies of it and colored them all differently with adding some satruration as well.
layers I took a picture of my niece Mackenzie and filtered the picture in black and white. Then i made 6 different layers and colored them all differently to make the picture pop.
masking I found a picture of the MSU campus and added txt over the top. I took another picture of fall colored leaves and put them as the background of the text, then i put a bend effect on it as well.
turkey.logo I recreated Ms. Carr's turkey trot logo using dfferent texts, font sizes, and colors.
waercolor I took a picture of Lana Del Ray a picture of a textured background and a picture of pastel watercolors and blended them all together. I also added some text.