Graveraet Hue and Saturation Layers
Masking Watercolor Splatter


graveraet This was my logo I made in photoshop for my digital communications class. I used the shape tool, and paint bucket. Also for the text I used the text warp.
hueandsat This is my hue and saturation project. This project taught me how to use the hue and sat on photoshop.
layers This was the Layers project I completed in Digital Communications. It taught me how to eliminate color and paint in different layers of color and adjusting opacity settings. The goal was to make a black and white photo look more realistic.

This was our masking project. We learned how to place a picture behind text and how to use different text styles.

watercolor This was out watercolor project. We had to take a watercolor image and put an inspiring quote on to it. We had to adjust the opactiy of the text and place a black and white image onto the watercolor and turn the opacity down on the watercolor.

This was our splatter project. We had to stretch out the original image and place another on top and then used a paintbrush that made it look as if the painting was splattered.