This is my Turkey Trot logo for the Thanksgiving day5/10k. To do this project I had the opportunity to use the drawing tablet to adjust some of the feet, head, ect in Photoshop. I cut the original turkey drawing body out and replaced it with a circle and cut the wings, legs, feet, head on to seperate layers for more ease of editing. |
My popout project was very interesting. I found a picture of a dog at the beach then I spent a great amount of time closely using the magnetic lasso tool, in Photoshop, to crop the dog out. Once the dog was out and on another layer I used the clone stamp tool to fill in the spots where the dog was so it looks like he wasn't in the picture in the first place. |
This was my pic clean up project. We needed to take a picture and add a few items to it. I found the picture of this field and added to it. I put the birds in the sky by taking the picture and using the magic eraser tool to erase the background and left just the birds. I also add clouds to the sky by using the clone stamp tool. And finallyI added two animals, a squirrel and deer, to the ground. I used the magnetic lasso to crop both of them out of their original picture. |
The masking project was fun yet easy. I took a picture of Bora Bora and added text to it. I added many options to this text. A stroke which gave it the black border. An outer glow which gave it the white glow around it. And a drop shadow which have it a little black reflection at the top. After that I used a picture of sand to give the inner letter that pattern. |
My watercolor project is, in my opinion, my best project I've done. I used the original picture and just stripped the colors off of it. I then found a textured pattern like a parchment paper and put that infront of my pictured and lowered its opacity. I also brought in a watercolor texture and linked my original and texture together so it seemed like those were the original colors. I also took my brush tool to spread certain areas in color. |
The final project I have is my Hue and Saturation project. I used a picture of the New York City skyline for this project. I stripped the original image down to black and white to add "filters"to the it. Once I did that for one of the squares I duplicated that four times and changed each squares color. |