Turkey Trot Splatter Water Color Layers

Hue and Sat

Clean Up

prjoect1 This is my Turkey Trot logo that Mrs. Carr made everyone make. Even though I didn't especially like this project it wasn't so bad and I think I did alright. Maybe if I did this project again I would use a different font.
splatter This project was silly and I don't think I will ever use the skills I learned. Despite that, I enjoyed being able to use my favorite image, Oscar the Grouch. And that's what matters.

This is the water color project that we did a long time ago. I used my favorite musician, Chance the Rapper, as the subject of my project. I've never made a better decision than to be a Chance the Rapper fan.

layers This is Oscar the Grouch in his natural habitat. He has had some lively color touch ups here and there. He doesn't look as good as Chance the Rapper but it's close.
hueandsat This is what Oscar the Grouch would like if there were four different colored versions of him. What do you think? I like the red Oscar the best. But I like Chance the Rapper more.
cleanup Here I have some of my favorite things. Oscar, cash money, and Chance. They all come together to compile my pic cleanup project. This is one my favorite projects because it let me be really creative.