eye color hair color pic clean up popart splatter image map watercolor

For my eye color assignment, I had to create three individual colors for one eye. I think this one is the best result.

hair color
For my hair color assignment we had to start out with a redheaded person to create three individual hair colors: black, brown, and blond. I chose Jessica Chastain (actress) for her red hair color, and converted it to a blond color. This one is the most obvious outcome out of all three colors.

pic clean up
My pic clean up assignment consists of a desolated, almost moon-like planet. With E.T. riding off a rocky ramp with his boy, along with the International Space Station (ISS) within the planet's orbit, a couple of interesting characters from a science fiction show that I watched in Astronomy class last year, and a few craters enveloped in lava.

For my popart assignment, I chose a comic orientated character (Venom from Spider Man) because I felt that he fits the concept of this design very well.

For my splatter assignment, I wanted to have a close family relative involved. Resulting in my choice of Shrek, who is my father. He really stood out with this project so I had to show him off.

For my watercolor assignment, I chose Jay Boyega (actor, can barely see him due to the paint) because of what he had to do to get to where he is today. The quote that was also chosen is a great summary of his life story and what he has accomplished.