

Pop-Out Poster Text-Knock Out Watercolor

This is an image of Black Widow with Captin Americas sheild pattern covering her face.

This project was challenging because of the different layer masks. Not all of them worked together and I had to redo the coloring of the sheild by hand afterward.

This "Layers" assignment was pretty fun. I took this random picture of a model and recoloerd her eyes, lips, and cheeks. If you look close enough you can see a slight discoloeration around her eyes to help blend the cool colors into her skin tone. I also damppend the color of her hair with a light blue haze to cool the image off just a bit more.

Thor is one of my favorite Marvel films so I desided to make it look like he was popping out of the screen.

This assignment was difficult, trying to make a flat image into a 3D optical illution was an interesting process.

Having the face of Dwight stare at you for fifteen minutes while plastering his mug on a poster is an awkaward exsperience. But I wanted to pay tribute to Dwight and his festive musterd aesthetic.

Deadpool breaking the 4th wall and looking directly at the camera.

I wanted to put him on one of the projects but didn't really know which one, so I ended up doing this. It could be used as a banner or something of the sort.

Dr. Strange is pretty magical so I though it was only fitting to make him look like a piece of artwork.

This assignment was interesting, it was fun trying to find a colorful watercolor image that worked well with his character and aesthetic.