Turkey Trot Drawing | Typographic Poster | Hair Colour | Text Cloud | Pop-Out | Image Map | Pencil |
Here's my design for the Turkey Trot project! I was lucky enough to have been selected for the logo on the tshirts and posters this year. It's rather surreal seeing a project go from start to finish this way.
Perhaps one of the easiest extra-credit opportunites I've ever been given! I chose to use Freddie Mercury as he's somebody I look up to in many ways. I adore the music of Queen, so I hope this serves as tribute to the man, the myth and the legend himself. |
I had so much fun with this project! I found it easier as I'm no stranger to changing hue and saturation of images thanks to my background in amateur photography. I decided to spotlight this photo as the blond alternate is considered the hardest and I believe I did fairly well! I'd love to do something like this in the future if possible. |
Ah, the wonders of Photoshop brushes. I stumbled on it at pure chance not realizing how much it would aid me in this project. Though simple, I think this is one of my prettier projects in some ways. |
This project provided an interesting challenge! I was un awe at the content-aware filter that fixed the background surprisingly better than I imagined. Though not perfect, it still did a fine job if I say so myself. |
Oh boy, here comes the sad one. I was surprised by simply how well the filters were capable of mimicking real textures! It was at this point I realized Photoshop could do more than I imagined it would. Rest in piece to our beloved Sophie. |