pic-cleanup popart pop-out splatter pencil Image Map watercolor


Pic Cleanup was one of our early projects. It was fun, as we were really allowed to do whatever we wanted. I used a clone stamp for the background, and the selection tool to add a plane, skier, astronaut, etc.

Pop art used filters in order to make the picture appear like an old pop art photo. Then we colored it.

For pop out, we used resizing tools to make the object of the pictre, in this case an owl, look like it's coming out of the frame.

Splatter was a project which taught us how to make something appear as if it is dissolving. I used John Krasinski. For this effect we used the blur tool, which was fun.

This was a picture of the beatles which I added filters to make it look as if it were a pencil sketch. I think it looks super cool.

The watercolor project taught us how to blend different layers togther, in this case creating a "watercolor" effect.

!b r u h h!