
Album Cover

Layers photo to pencil pop art splatter Image Map turkey logo

album cover

This is my album cover project. We made it using the gradient tool with some adjustments. I got a 5/5 on it.



This is my layers project. I'm pretty sure it was one of the earlier projects that we did. It was made using the brush tool over a colorless image. I got an 18/20.

photo to pencil

This is my photo to pencil project. I dont really remeber how it was made but I'm pretty sure we made it colorless and then put a bunch of filters and adjustments on it. I got a 5/5.

pop art
This is my pop-art project. We put some sort of filter on it and then colored over certian parts we wanted colored with a brush.

This is my splatter project. I think we made multiple layers of the image, put white around it, then used shaped brushes to make something that could be similar to "cut outs."

turkey logo
This is my final turkey logo. I think it got ranked somewhere around 3rd in the class. I used a png of a turkey drawing and put words and shapes around it.