For this project, I chose to use a photo of Ariana Grande to make an album cover. I used a vibrant pink and yellow gradient to make it stand out. |

This project was called Facepaint.You had to find a face and make it look like they had face paint on. I used a picture of Nina Dobrev who plays the led in "The Vampire Diaries." This project was one of my favorites. |

To make this project, I picked out a photo of a lion and duplicated it four times. Additoinally, I picked out four different colors and saturated each one for each lion. I learned lots of editing techniques doing this prjoject. |

For this project, I first picked out an image and turned it black and white. You had to draw or "Paint" the color on the image yourself. For this assignment you needed to make 7 different layers. I did a seperate layer and color for each flower petal. Additionally, I blured two colors together for each petal to make an ombre effect. |

Your goal for this project was to make an image look like popart. Again, I first picked out and image and turned it black and white. Then, I "painted" on the color and edited the photo to make it have this effect. |

This project was a competition, and the winner got his/her poster to represent the event. You had to include specific information and the finalist's turkey image. But, you could make your poster look whatever way you wanted it to look like. I got to play around with many fonts and colors for this project. |