Hue and Saturation helped us learn about changing the colors we can use to color our images. |
Pop Out taught me a lot about using the perspective tool, doing layer masks, and creating gradient backgrounds. |
The Turkey Logo allowed me to have the oppourtunity to create a peice of my own without using a video. I loved the creative freedom I had with this project. |
Patterns helped me a lot with following instructions and using the tools correctly. It required a lot of patience and efficiency and it would have looked wrong without following the directions percisely. |
Watercolor was by far my favorite project. it allowed me to play with the different colors, and make a poster with one of the best soccer players in it. |
Splatter was alo a harder project for me because I did not understand it very well at the start. With the help given by Mrs. Carr is became easy and quickly became one of my favorites. |