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Pic Clean Up Turkey Trot Poster Turkey Trot Logo Watter colors Pop Art Reflections
This was our first project that made use of adding new pictures to a existing on, it was a very fun project.
The was my poster for the turkey trot it was a fun project to work on, and I thin that it is my favorite so far. This project helped me learn how to organize text to be more readable on a poster.
The was my logo for the turkey trot it was a fun project to work on, and I think that it is my second favorite so far. This project helped me learn how to make a nice art work with limited colors.
The was my watter colors project, I think that it turn out well. This project helped me learn how to use 3D text.
The is my pop out project, I like it because it is colorful. This project helped me learn how to use layers more effectively.
The was my first large project that I worked on, I think that it looks nice. This project helped me learn about how to use opacity in Photo Shop.